Self Help Series – Entry #1
Do you ever have those moments where you take an intrinsic look at yourself and think, "I need to fix that!"?
I had a moment of the like the other day – spurred by a Sunday school lesson at church. We were talking about the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-31) who were asked by their father to work in the vineyard. One eagerly answered, "yes," but did not follow through. The other, adamantly answered, “no way,” but later did. (Be sure to read the story to find out the punchline)
Our teacher asked, “Which one do you relate to?”
PAUSE for dramatic effect.
Ew...that’s a toughy, one you hate to actually apply to life, right?
Well, I’ve had to confess to myself that I tend to be more like the first son in some areas of my life. I sometimes eagerly commit myself to a project, or even a goal, yet lack the discipline to carry it to fruition.
Case in point: I want to read more. I don’t read much, or enough, because of several reasons (which may be addressed in subsequent self-help blog entries), but I get excited about buying books! Our bookstore had a sale and I enthusiastically bought three books! Three very interesting books! But, I have yet to make it past the first few chapters.
My problem, however, lies within my problem. Now that I’ve discovered this about myself, will I ever get around to changing it?