Auntie H

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Welcome 2007

As the new year begins, one always thinks of things to change, redo, save for, accomplish, etc. I'll have to admit, I should probably spend more time reflecting on things as such, but I end up dreaming so big I get overwhelmed. So, I stick to the small, everyday practical goals in specific areas of my life. I think I'll start with one in each.
Continue to be 'frugal' and not 'stingy'. With the help of Dave Ramsey, I'll continue my journey to financial peace!
As challenged by our pastor, I want to read through the Bible in a year (I also found a site that will email you the daily scriptures - now there are no excuses!)
Perhaps I rename this the "travel" area because I'd like to sightsee in Seattle and flyfish in Florida (okay maybe not "flyfish , but it's a fun alliteration), and maybe even visit Nigara Falls (however, this locale may be pushed to next year because of my limited vacation days).
Read 2 fiction books, and 3 spiritually enhancing books.
I'll have be basic here for success' sake - treadmill at least 3 times a week, and Core Secrets workouts twice a week.

I'm sure I could build a bigger list, but this is plenty for now.