Auntie H

Friday, November 10, 2006

Self Help Series – Entry #2

HOLIDAY HEALTH - I was encouraged to see this article, even though almost 10 years old, that we all can apply to the upcoming holiday season. The goal is to maintain current weight, exercise at least every other day, watch portions, and eat healthy snacks. Okay, now that I've said it, this will take real discipline!

The Nike training calendar, is something I've grown fond of and plan to use as my exercise guide in the next few months. My good friend Lisa told me about it. I like free online stuff. Now, any free healthy online snacks out there? Maybe I'll stop by the produce department on the way home from work, while I'm in the mood.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My new home - It’s the small stuff

So I have finally settled into a new place and absolutely love it! Throughout the move and the adjustments I’ve found joy in the smallest things, like…

#1 - My belongings are no longer scattered throughout various places in the city (Storage unit, family’s houses, etc.)

#2 - The maintenance guys replaced all the switches and outlets and the 20-year grime that was stuck in the grooves is gone! What an improvement!

#3 - I live 1.85 miles from my work which means I don’t have to fill up my car with gas every 5 days! Hello savings! I can also come home at lunch and relax!

#4 - I locked myself out – twice – and the maintenance guys were there within 5 minutes to let me in. Even though embarrassed, I was happy. Remind me to get a latch lock for when I’m home alone.

#5 - The new décor in my living room and bedroom match the picture I had in my brain!

#6 - Firemen are very nice and help you put out dryer lint fires and prevent them. They even complimented me on the paint job I had done in the kitchen and living room as they were leaving. (There’s obviously more to the story…perhaps it will be a subsequent blog entry)

#7 - Ear plugs help drown the honking as trains come through every 20-30 minutes all night long. In just one year, there will be no more honking.

#8 - Going up and down two flights of steps is keeping me in shape!

#9 - I figured out the BEST way to nap on my new furniture on Sunday afternoons. I recline both parts of the couch, lay sideways, and put the remotes on the footrests in front of me!

#10 - I’ve only “misplaced” one needed item in my plethora of boxes during the move. The nice thing is, it was only $1.79 to buy a replacement!

That’s it for now.