Auntie H

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Long time no see

Sad really, that the last entry posted on my beautiful blog was about Africa (since that was in July). So much has happened since, that I feel like I can hardly do it justice it in a short blog entry. The problem is two fold: First, I’ve fallen to the typical tendency of most bloggers: starting out gung-ho with almost daily updates, and then letting the time between entries grow longer and longer. Secondly, I have to "be creative" all day long at my job, and I hardly have time let that seep into my personal life (kind of like...a plumber’s toilet is never fixed...)

In short, school (teaching) has started, we sold the condo, I moved into my own place, and now spend every waking moment painting, cleaning, sorting and organizing. Yep, that’s about it! I’ve had to shift my paradigm of home ownership, back to rentership. Which in all reality, it IS easier to call the office with a request, and come home to new light switches and plugs and a re-caulked bathtub (it’s as good as new!). It’s amazing what new plugs, fresh paint and Lysol with bleach can do to a place.

I’ve been keeping a home video diary of all the "before" and "after" projects in the house. Kim laughs, but is not surprised. Perhaps I’ll post sometime.

Last night my new living room furniture was moved in and desk was positioned into place in the basement. Little by little the place is coming together. It’ll all come around Sept. 30, praise God almighty...I’m ready to be settled.